Optimum tree guards & protection

Tree shelters to help your newly planted tree grow

Tree shelters, or tree guards, are a simple, yet crucial product to protect tree saplings and boost survival rates of newly planted trees.

When trees are newly planted, they are vulnerable and need tree guard protection to help them grow and survive. Extreme weather, vermin, herbicide spray and animals – such as deer and rabbit, are all factors that can damage and affect the survival of young tree saplings.

Tree shelters are therefore an essential tool for your tree planting project. In addition to providing protection and boosting tree survival, our tree shelters also help to maximise tree growth by creating a unique micro-climate within each tree shelter.

With government targets of 30,000 hectares of new trees to be planted by 2025, the demand for tree shelters is huge. As a tree shelter manufacturer, we are here to work with the tree planting and forestry sector to ensure tree shelters and tree guards are fully stocked and readily available not just throughout the tree planting season, but throughout the year too.

Request your free tree shelter sample
Unique square tree shelter design

Defender+ tree shelters

Our range of Defender+ tree shelters come in a range of sizes depending on what you are planting – from 60cm all the way up to 180cm and are unique in their square shape.

Why square? With the same expert performance as their circular tree shelter counterparts, the benefits of square design becomes apparent when looking at storage and transportation – with the advantage of huge transport cost and space savings. You can see the differences and benefits of our tree shelters here.

With our range of tree guard products including tree shelters, shrub protection, vine guards and even vole guards, we can help you plant your trees and plants to maximise their growth and survival rates.

Speak to us about your tree planting project today

Key product features of our tree shelters

- Fremstillet af UV-stabiliseret polypropylen
- Uskadelig for miljøet
- Holdbar dobbeltvægget konstruktion
- Designet til at blive transporteret i flad emballage
- Anslået levetid 5 - 7 år


- 100% genanvendelig
- Radial overlæbe for at minimere slid på træstammen
- Unikt "no ties"-fastgørelsessystem
- Perforeret linje gør det muligt for læskærmen at dele sig op, når træets omkreds øges

TREE DEFENDER+ til din sektor


Whether you’re looking for tree shelters to protect from animals, herbicide spray or just wanting to create an enhanced growing environment through a microclimate, the TREE DEFENDER+ tree shelter range is the perfect solution to a successful woodland or forest establishment.


Enjoy flexibility in site maintenance whilst your fruit trees are protected from browsing animals, herbicide spray drift and mechanical weeding machinery. The TREE DEFENDER+ tree shelter is the perfect solution for any fruit growing area.


With a wide range of tree and shrub shelter protection products, the TREE DEFENDER+ tree shelter can aid the establishment and protection of large planting schemes, rural hedgerows, mixed planting, and smaller specialised projects.


The TREE DEFENDER+ vine guards help to establish a microclimate within the shelter to improve the growing environment for the vine, whilst also helping to protect against browsing animals, mechanical weeding machinery and herbicide spray.