Closed-loop reusable packaging

We recognise the impact the supply chain has on the environment, and working with packaging day in day out, we understand that the importance of closed-loop reusable packaging has never been greater.

Tri-pack are proud to have developed and offer reusable boxes to allow reusable packaging to become an economical and sustainable packaging solution for shipping their products. Meeting any requirement from multi-printed small 1.5kg boxes, right up to 500kg bulk packs, all our reusable packaging is suitable for many applications and industries.

With so much focus on packaging and its eco-credentials, a reusable packaging option that can not only be used time and time again, but is also made from material that’s 100% recyclable, is a great packaging choice – moving closer to the closed-loop model.

Tri-pack manufacture using only polypropylene; a durable, waterproof and reusable material. Due to the strength and rigidity of polypropylene, it is the perfect material for reusable boxes, that can be used for multiple trips. In fact, our boxes can be used up to 20 times. Thereby minimising the costs of manufacturing and shipping of additional packaging.

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Why reusable boxes are right for your business

For any business that is thinking about more sustainable packaging options, then reusable packaging is certainly an avenue to explore. Why are our reusable boxes right for you? 

  1. Reusable packaging is a capital investment for your business, an initial upfront cost might be higher than cheaper packaging alternatives such as corrugated cardboard, but the packaging is not a regular expense and in some cases can be reused as much as 20 times.
  2. There are huge environmental and economic advantages by choosing a sustainable packaging solution, including a vastly reduced carbon footprint.
  3. No waste, Tri-pack’s sealed edge packaging solutions can be both returnable and reusable, but also 100% recyclable when it does come to the end of its cycle.
  4. This form of packaging is suitable for use across numerous sectors.
  5. Flat-packed packaging design, which means easy erect or repacking for space-saving.

All of Tri-pack's packaging can be resuable

Tri-pack manufacture using only polypropylene; a material that’s durable and reusable. Due to the strength and rigidity of the boxes, these can be used for multiple trips – making them perfect for returnable or reusable packaging. In fact, it has been proven that the same that our reusable packaging boxes can be used up to 20 times. Thereby minimising the costs to you of manufacturing and shipping additional packaging.

Our popular plant trays are the perfect example of a multi-trip packaging solution. Where the 100% waterproof product can be quickly rinsed of any soil and used again to hold plants in nurseries. However, our reusable boxes can be used across a wide range of sectors and industries – including fresh produce and the pharmaceuticals industry.

If your business has a requirement for returnable or reusable packaging then our reusable boxes could be the perfect solution. Speak to us today about your requirements.

Find out how our boxes could work for you

Why choose Tri-pack for
reusable packaging

bionedbrydelig emballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

100% genanvendelig

Alle komponenter i vores emballage, plast, lim og trykfarve, er 100 % genanvendelige.

100% vandtæt emballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

100% vandtæt

Vores emballage er perfekt til køle-, frost- og skaldyrsbranchen, og den er modstandsdygtig over for elementerne og lukker al fugt og is smeltet sikkert inde i emballagen. Dette er især værdifuldt, når varer transporteres med luftfragt.

smudsfri emballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

100% fri for snavs og støv

Vores patenterede system med forseglede kanter kan anvendes på emballagen ved at forsegle alle de åbne fløje, hvilket gør den uforgængelig over for snavs og støv, nemmere at rengøre og genbruge.

Reducerede leveringsomkostninger | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

Reducerede leveringsomkostninger

Vi kan reducere dine leveringsomkostninger, da vores emballage er letvægtsemballage, og med vores unikke flat pack-design kan der være mere emballage på en enkelt palle. 

Omkostningseffektive opbevaringsløsninger | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

Reducerede lageromkostninger

Tri-Pack emballage kan reducere dine lageromkostninger og plads med op til 85 % på grund af vores unikke fladpakkede design. Vores let opbyggelige design gør kassen færdig på få sekunder.

Letvægtsemballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD


Vores emballage er let, hvilket betyder, at den er lettere at håndtere, sende og opbevare, hvilket gør den langt mere brugervenlig og kan bidrage til at reducere omkostningerne.

FSA-godkendt emballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

FSA godkendt

Tri-Packs emballage og vores lager og fabrik er godkendt af Food Standards Agency for at være egnet til brug inden for fødevaresektoren.

Emballage uden brud | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

Modstandsdygtig over for brud

Polypropylen er kendt for sin styrke og holdbarhed. Det er velegnet til at indeholde tunge belastninger, samtidig med at det holder sin form og struktur.