Reducing your logistics costs

It is said that logistics costs account for around 8% of total GDP. While logistics is an aspect of business which is often neglected when it comes to savings, it shouldn’t be ignored. Tri-Pack is on hand to help cut the costs.

We understand the impact shipping and logistics has on your business and have worked hard over the years to create innovative packaging solutions which really do cut costs and help the environment.

Using our flat pack packaging means a greater volume of goods can be packed onto a single pallet while still remaining lightweight. This reduces the number of pallets shipped and the overall cost. We can also help reduce warehousing costs, as our products take up a fraction of the space compared with fully erected boxes. Just another way we help your business grow.

Due to our patented easy-erect design, the box is ready in one simple movement, with no other assembly required.

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do...

Why Tri-Pack are the market leader...

100% vandtæt emballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

100% vandtæt

Vores emballage er perfekt til køle-, frost- og skaldyrsbranchen, og den er modstandsdygtig over for elementerne og lukker al fugt og is smeltet sikkert inde i emballagen. Dette er især værdifuldt, når varer transporteres med luftfragt.

Patenteret emballageteknologi | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD

Patenteret teknologi

Ved hjælp af vores eget unikke værktøj forsegler vi de riflede kanter på vores emballage, hvilket skaber en stærk barriere, som bliver uopslidelig over for snavs, støv, vand og olie.

Skræddersyet størrelse

Alle vores kasser og emballager kan designes specifikt efter dine behov, så uanset om du ønsker at spare plads eller holde fisk og skaldyr i kølekæden friskere i længere tid, kan vi skabe en emballageløsning, der passer til dig.

miljøvenlig emballage | Tri-pack Packaging Solutions LTD


Polypropylen er 100 % genanvendeligt og ikke et materiale til engangsbrug


Ish Fish

Det gør det muligt at levere den friskeste fisk fra båd til kunde.
Sådan gør vi det

Investing in new technology

We're doing everything we can to reduce your costs

We continuously invest in new technology and machinery to improve our packaging and ultimately save your logistics costs. In 2011 we developed the tray erector, which turns flat sheets into rigid boxes. We now sell models of this machine to fish processors overseas, allowing them to assemble the boxes on site, rather than having them transported ready made. This has resulted in a rapid reduction of costs and overall business growth.

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