Getting ahead of the game

The demand for better methods of waste management is increasing. With added government pressures and savvy buyers more aware of what they are buying and the environmental impact it has.

Failing to explore opportunities to reduce waste and introduce recycling into a business is not good practice. By not implementing sustainable recovery systems, and environmentally friendly supply chains, businesses will risk penalties, increased long term costs and losing competitive edge due to this lack of foresight and planning.

Tri-Pack products are manufactured only from lightweight polypropylene, a material chosen because of its recycling capabilities and because there is a strong demand for the recycled material.

Why Polypropylene

At the retail point of delivery, Tri-Pack products can be segregated and sold for plastics recycling or baled with conventional machinery along with general waste to give cost savings on skips, landfill tax and packaging waste levy.

Polypropylene is strong and durable, it is also completely chemical-free and none hazardous, even the glues and inks we use at Tri-Pack are 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly. Therefore our impact of working with plastic does not affect the environment at all. But gives you a superior, unrivalled product.

Tri-Pack is currently working with leading recycling industry experts to develop a sustainable and commercially viable closed-loop supply chain for our polypropylene products which will deliver real environmental improvements and cost savings when compared to other forms of packaging material.

The ultimate aim is to house our own recycling plant which will improve productivity, reduce costs and add to our sustainability mission!